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Strimpakos Nikolaos et al. «CROSS-CULTURAL ADAPTATION AND VALIDATION OF THE STROKE-SPECIFIC QUALITY OF LIFE QUESTIONNAIRE (SSQOL): GREEK VERSION», 3rd International Congress on Neurology and Neuroepidemiology, AbuDabi, 20-23 Νοεμβρίου 2013 http://www.icne2015.com/en/
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Strimpakos et al. The 12-item Oxford Instability Shoulder Score (OSIS): Cross-cultural adaptation into Greek and assessment of its psychometric properties. 1st World Sports Physical Therapy Congress,
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Strimpakos et al. The 12-item Oxford Knee Score: cross-cultural adaptation into Greek and assessment of its psychometric properties. Παγκόσμιο Συνέδριο Φυσικοθεραπείας WCPT 2015, Σιγκαπούρη http://www.wcpt.org/congress/programme/planner
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